Monday, April 27, 2009

Coffee ,Plants and Food

At the Full Circle Farm, there was a booth about Ethiopia Coffee. Mhmmm it sure sounds good!
Ethiopia is the primary centre of origin of the Arabica coffee plant. 90 % of the coffee produced is organic. The coffer farmers use organic fertilizers to supplement the natural fertility of the soil.
In Ethiopia, coffee grows at various altitudes, ranging from 550-2,750m above sea level. They exports 80-85 per cent natural or sun-dried coffee and 15-20 per cent wet-processed coffee.

Santana Row is a high-end shopping center. The outdoors walkway has many gorgeous flowers and plants.

A snack from Indonesia: sweet rice wrapped in corn husks. Yummy!

Japanese maple trees take many years of care and nuturing to grow. The red leaves of this tree gave it its name- Bloody Red.

It was given to me years ago from Ben ,my husband.

Our backyard is huge and has many, many flowers. The sunflower is a very pretty yellow flower. With its bright yellow petals, it's called a 'sunflower' for a reason!




  1. Most flowers don't really have intuitive names like the sunflower does. That's very TRUE.

  2. you are soooo lucky you live in cali! I have been dying to go!!! Hopefully I will someday though. Have you ever met Adam Lambert? Just wondering.

    ~A.G.~ :D :O :)
