Saturday, December 27, 2008

Garden Work

Mom has decided (again) to take on another huge project for Marcus's school. She wanted to makeover their garden, so like any other makeover, here are some before and after shots, as well as work in progress ones.

Mom has been working hard at Marcus's school's garden. She volunteered to help fix it up to grow flowers and vegetables for the children to enjoy. Every weekend she recruited parents and their kids to help out in the garden. For quite a few days they worked hard preparing the garden for the plants. They removed all the yucky weeks and old plants, and made sure the soil wasn't too hard.

This was the garden before Mom came through to help it. What a mess! There were plants allll over the place-messy and unorganized. The weeds were a nightmare.

At first, it was a mess of random plants and weeds. Days of hard work pulling them out produced a nice, empty cleaned up garden!

This is the end result! Mom did allll of the pipe lines and replaced the old ones that were terrible. Isn't the garden so pretty now? It's a wonderful green color- the plants are looking fabulous!

This is a picture of the blueberry plants that were planted in the garden. Hopefully we'll have a lot of blueblerries this year. Yummmy!

Before and After of the pipes (the result of Mom's hard work!)
Isn't it such a huge difference?

Before After

Finally, the most important picture!

This is Mom working DILLIGENTLY in her garden. Look at her go!
She put a lot of hard work into this garden-it's like her baby. (Poor me :( )



  1. 没有一份耕耘,没有一份收获 !

    继续努力, 加油!

  2. Wow, blueberry plants! I would like to grow some. Where did you buy them.

    Great job on the garden cleanup. I hope it turns out nicely!
